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Feb 19, 2024
Government of Malta

The Office of the Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations (OCVO) recently led a pivotal initiative known as VO Plus, designed to revitalize Malta's voluntary sector and ensure its alignmentwith both current and future needs. This transformative endeavour aims to elevate the sector beyond its historical roots, bestowing upon it the tools and fortitude requisite for robust functionality.

At the heart of VO Plus lies a collective vision: to reaffirm the voluntary sector as a cornerstone of Maltese society, while embarking on a journey of comprehensive reform that transcends mere legislative amendments. Through extensive consultation, including over 1,300meetings with organisations, operational reviews, and dedicated research endeavours, VO Plus has illuminated the sector's challenges and aspirations.

A prevailing sentiment emerged from these deliberations: while engagement in the voluntary sector yields great personal fulfilment, it often encounters formidable obstacles. From the constant struggle of recruiting dedicated personnel to dedicate to the activity offunding acquisition and legislative compliance, organisations face a myriad of hurdles. Notably, smaller entities find themselves disproportionately burdened by regulatory demands designed for larger counterparts with more abundant resources.

Central to VO Plus is the imperative to delineate organizations based on size, turnover, and purpose, thus tailoring requirements to suit their distinct needs. Moreover, stakeholders advocate for enhanced support mechanisms, including resource provision, visibility amplification, and inter-organisational networking, to surmount these challenges collectively.

In response to feedback, VO Plus proposes a full reconfiguration of regulatory frameworks and operational protocols. First and foremost, among these reforms is the evolution of the OCVO into the Office of the Commissioner for the Voluntary and Not-For-Profit Sector, reflecting a broader mandate encompassing diverse organizational typologies.

Content taken from Bl-Ohla Dawl Libbist. For more information and the reform paper visit here.

The Academy of Givers is also interested to hear what you think of this reform and will be discussing it together to provide recommendations to the OCVO. Email us on if you wish to join our discussion.