Jul 12, 2023
Government of Malta
Jul 12, 2023
Voluntary Organisation
Civil society fund 2023 call
The Civil Society Fund (CSF) provides financial assistance for Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) to facilitate affiliation and participation in European and International fora.
The Civil Society Fund (CSF) provides financial assistance for Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) to facilitate affiliation and participation in European and International fora.
It has two measures:
- the first being affilitation to European & International umbrella organisations, grouping, federations, confederations or networks
- the second is related to attendance at conferences, seminars, meeting abroad related to affiliations, and participation in training abroad related to EU/International Policy or Programmes.
The next call shall open on the Monday 17th July 2023 and close at noon of Thursday 7th September 2023.
Applications, when open, shall be accessed through the VO Funding Portal vofunding.org.mt.
For more information please contact michelle.a.formosa@gov.mt or 2248 1119.