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Aug 19, 2024

FPEI launches a new fun and engaging training programme, tailored for Artists, Creatives, and Cultural Managers!

Join FPEI's fun and engaging training programme, tailored for Artists, Creatives, and Cultural Managers! They’ve put together a mix of workshops, panel discussions and masterclasses to help you build the skills you need to thrive as an artistic professional.

This hybrid course is all about boosting your entrepreneurial toolkit. It’ll cover essential topics like financial know-how, marketing and sales strategies, pitching and public speaking, and sustainability practices, all guided by seasoned experts in the field.

Our sessions are themed with two sessions per week, either online or in person, from 18:00 to 20:00 at Valletta Design Cluster or on Zoom. (If a session isn’t listed as online, it will be held in person.)


  • Brainwork - 30 September Ideation and Problem Solving and 02 October Perfect Pitching & Public Speaking
  • Ethical Leadership - 08 October (online) Innovative Strategies for Sustainability and 10 October Building a Personal Brand
  • Money Management - 15 October (online) Internationalisation through Crowdfunding and 17 October Financial Literacy by APS Bank
  • Skills Knowledge - 22 October (online)Mastering the Marketplace: Sales & Media Strategies and 24 October Know your IP


  • Brainwork
    • 30 September: Ideation and Problem Solving – Prof. Leonie Baldacchino
    • 02 October: Perfect Pitching & Public Speaking – Pia Zammit
  • Ethical Leadership
    • 08 October (online): Innovative Strategies for Sustainability – TBA
    • 10 October: Building a Personal Brand – Vanessa Camenzuli
  • Money Management
    • 15 October (online): Internationalization through Crowdfunding – Giselle Borg Olivier & others TBA
    • 17 October: Financial Literacy by APS Bank – Shelaine Falzon & Lorraine Cassar
  • Skills Knowledge
    • 22 October (online): Mastering the Marketplace: Sales & Media Strategies – Karolina Rostkowska & others TBA
    • 24 October: Know Your IP – Dr Jeanine Rizzo

More information can be found on FPEI website.