Voluntary organisation
Multiple causes
Gozo NGOs Association
The Gozo NGOs Association (L-Assoċjazzjoni Tal-Organizazzjonijiet Mhux Governattivi Għawdxin) is an umbrella organisation set up with the specific aim to represent and promote the interests of the voluntary and non-governmental organisations active in/or working from Gozo.
Founded in 2003 The Gozo NGOs Association (L-Assoċjazzjoni Tal-Organizazzjonijiet Mhux Governattivi Għawdxin) was set up with the specific aim to promote the interests of the organisations that are active within Gozo’s so-called third sector (Civil Society Sector comprising NGOs/VOs).
The Association seeks to achieve its aims by:
(i) enabling the considerable number of VOs active in Gozo to Connect with each other and with other actors on a regional, national and international basis;
(ii) providing Support to its members and their respective initiatives; and
(iii) representing its members’ interests in particular - and those of Gozitan voluntary organisations in general – in all possible fora, at local, regional, national as well as international level.