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1 Clock Tower Building, Tigne Point, Sliema, TP01, Malta
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Voluntary Organisation
VO/ 0705

Volunteering to help deliver BAFCG programme

What is BAFCG?

This new and innovative programme provides young people, between 12 to 16 years old, with the practical information needed to support them on their way to financial capability both on a personal and businesses level through discussions and online game-led activities. Find more information here.

Am I qualified to deliver these sessions?

No finance background is necessary for the person volunteering to deliver the training. Volunteers will be trained and guided on how to deliver the sessions. Content is basic finance principals such as saving and budgeting.

When will this be happening?

Main time frame of session delivery will be 13th February to 9th March 2023 - always within school hours, either in a split session of 2hours + 2hours or a full 4 hours. If you are interested but not available, please register anyway as volunteers beyond this time frame would most likely still be required.

I’m interested, what do I need to do?

If you are interested in signing up please fill in the form at the following link:

Training to volunteers will be held during the dates and times listed below. Each volunteer will only be required to attend ONE of the sessions. Location will be advised closer to date.

  • Thursday 2nd February at 16:00 – 17:30
  • Monday 6th February at 10:00-11:30
  • Wednesday 8th February at 18:00 – 19:30

Any questions can be directed to JA Malta on We look forward to having you join us!

Contact person
JA Malta

Support JA Malta!

JA Malta celebrated the start of its 35th Year of Operation by launching a special list of programmes that will inspire young people to succeed in a global economy!

JA will be offering such programmes in 2023-2024 and they are open for collaboration both in financial contributions as well as volunteers for mentoring.

They are also grateful for any promotional support they can receive, such as sharing their social media activity from time to time.

If you are willing to support JA Malta in their new endeavour for the next year, contact Matthew Caruana directly.

Contact person
Matthew Caruana

JA Malta needs supplies!

With a growing team of employees and volunteers, JA Malta are looking at upgrading printers and kitchen equipment as they are very old and starting to cause problems. If anyone is refurbishing their offices or has any heavy-duty office printer or kitchen equipment like a small microwave, toaster, or minifridge, this would be very helpful to help the organisation.

Additionally, they alays seek new collaborators and partners through in-kind or financial support.

If intersted, contact Matthew directly.

Contact person
Matthew Caruana