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Puttinu Cares Foundation Rainbow Ward, Level -1, Sir Anthony Mamo Oncology Centre, Msida, MSD 1234
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Voluntary Organisation

Puttinu marathon 2023

The Puttinu Marathon will be broadcasted live on TVM and all the other local channels on Good Friday, 7th of April 2023, from 9am to 3pm, and 9pm till midnight.

All contributions given by companies and organisations will be announced during the marathon. The logo of the company or organisation can be shown directly after the broadcast and the amount donated will be presented. Companies and organisations can also be there to present the donation during the marathon.

For each room that is sponsored in the new London building, a plaque will be placed with the name of the person, company or organisation that sponsored that room.

For more information on sponsoring a room, please click here.

For more information on how you can support Puttinu, send an email on or call on 99672790.

Thank you for your generosity!


Il-maratona ta' Puttinu Cares se tixxandar diretta fuq l-istazzjonijiet kollha nhar il-Ġimgħa l-Kbira, fis-7 ta’ April 2023, mid-9am sat-3pm, u mid-9pm sa nofsillejl.

Kull kontribuzzjoni li l-kumpaniji jew organizzazjoni jagħtu lil Puttinu titħabbar waqt il-maratona. Il-logo tan-negozju jista' jidher dirett waqt ix-xandira u s-somma titħabbar mill-preżentatur. Il-kumpaniji jew organizzazjonijiet jistgħu ukoll immorru u jagħmlu l-preżentazzjoni tad-donazzjoni waqt il-maratona.

Għal kull sponsorship ta' kamra fil-binja l-ġdida ġewwa ċ-ċentru ta' Londra – kamra tal-banju (€2,500), kamra tas-sodda (€5,000), jew kċina (€10,000) – titwaħħal plakka fil-kamra tal-appartament bl-isem ta' l-individwu jew tal-kumpanija jew tal-organizzazjoni li tkun sponsorjat il-kamra. Ghal izjed informazzjonai, aghfas hawn.

Għal aktar informazzjoni kif tista’ tingħaqad magħna, ibagħtilna imejl fuq jew ċempel fuq 99672790.

Grazzi tal-ġenerożità tiegħek!

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