Voluntary organisation
Human rights and advocacy
RISe Foundation
RISe Foundation was founded on the 3rd of June 2013, by Fr. Franco Fenech O.F.M. Cap, a Capuchin friar and Mr. Charlie Mifsud. This service was set in collaboration with Exodus, a Dutch program with over 30 years of experience in dealing with reintegration of offenders within society.
In Malta, the focus of the penal philosophy is punitive, hence is based on incarceration. Through the more recent philosophy of Restorative Justice, it is not merely enough to be sending individuals to prison, but to rehabilitate them, and give them the skills and tools to not engage in further offending. The idea behind the project offered by our organisation emphasizes that such a development should be based within the community, in order to prepare prisoners for the transition from prison to the community more effectively, and successfully.
Rehabilitation in Society is a non-prison rehabilitation service that prisoners can access voluntarily through a formal referral from the Inmates Service Office of the Correctional Services Agency. The aim of rehabilitation in society is to provide offenders with adequate rehabilitation services, direction, and surveillance in order to fully reintegrate oneself within the community. The program RISe provides aims at reducing recidivism though providing rehabilitation services for prisoners who are serving the last part of their prison sentence.