Voluntary organisation
Multiple causes
SEAM - Social Entrepreneurs Association Malta
A network of entrepreneurs committed to bring positive change.
SEAM - Social Entrepreneurs Association Malta - is a network of entrepreneurs committed to bring positive change. They are interested in working with a sense of duty, and a set of honourable ethics and principles to create innovation and impact in the environmental, social and cultural sectors.
SEAM is a not-for-profit Voluntary Organisation offering an inclusive frame-work to assist social entrepreneurs and cultivate a new mindset based on the Triple Bottom Line (TBL); suggesting that companies should look beyond profits, and include social and environmental contributions in their organisation's mission. The three pillars of the TBL being Profit, People and Planet.
The objectives of SEAM are to:
- Raise awareness and educate society about social entrepreneurship, particularly amongst start-ups and students.
- Provide a holistic package to anyone who aspire to become a social entrepreneur by offering a comprehensive eco-system to foster their growth and success.
- Encourage collaboration between local and cross-border social entrepreneurs
- Lobby for the recognition of the Social Enterprise Act as a legal business type in Malta and advocate for the interest of the sector at local, regional and national levels